Today I added a few more components to my website/ webapp. The new components are the “Contacts” and “Email” CPT, Contacts query, and Contacts table builder. My goal is to test from a CRM perspective and confirm that its customer relationship management features are robust enough to support a successful business or crowdfunding campaign. I plan to use the Contacts CPT to create a database of my contacts, and then use the Email CPT to send emails to those contacts. I will use the Contacts query to retrieve specific contacts from the database, and the Contacts table builder to create a table of those contacts. I will then use the table to analyze the contacts and their relationships. To extend the Contact List I will add a filter feature to assist user when searching their contacts. Ultimately I believe in correlation with WordPress can be a full stack CRM with all communication tools including but not limited to voice calls, SMS, email, calendar/ booking, notes, activities, deals, contact lists and management and more.